RIP Cell Phone
Unexpectedly my phone decided to quit on me. I always thought it would go in a bang, crashing down a flight of stairs and shattering into a million pieces. Or gently into the abyss when the contract was up and it was just time for a new one. I never expected it to die so suddenly. One minute I am chatting with Andrea about babies and breast milk and the next minute my phone decides to get all wacky one me. I won't go into the gory details of its death. Just rest assured that it was gruesome. There was blood, guts, screaming and begging. Actually, there was white screen, black screen and red screen. The electronic equivalent of blood, guts and screaming.
So, my friends, while my contacts remained intact (thanks to a free online service Verizon offers) my photos are all gone. No more closely cuddled newborn babies to show off. No more Sive and her criminally cute faces to make people ooh and aah and say, "wow, she is big!" No longer are the photos from my last year in Ann Arbor with the trees changing color and friends' faces in pubs. But, you know what? Those pics kinda sucked. Face it, some phones take really crappy pictures. Mine was one of them. So, while there are a few I'll miss. it's much preferable to have a means to communicate with loved ones then sob over some mediocre pictures of them.
So there you have it. Death of a cell phone. Now I have the identical phone and, thanks to some futzing around, the identical ring tone (thank god because I detest the free ones - they all sound like your phone is going to explode! Seriously, do I really need a virtual red hot poker jabbed in every orifice when someone calls?)
Good news however... we had really yummy food tonight at Jeanne and Cathy's. Cathy is a whiz with homemade soups and Jeanne whips up a mean salad. The pic at left shows me enjoying such soup (note the steam rising!) and Cathy offering me some wine. My aunts, if I've failed to mention this before, are vegetarians and we have been eating fresh fruits and veggies every single day. I swear I've eaten more fiber in the last five days than I have had in the last five months. Well, maybe not quite, but the healthy eating is doing me hella good.
Another aside: the California primary was today. Can't vote here so I can't get excited about it. Nonetheless, I have to say, from what I have seen in the debates, I genuinely like both democratic candidates. Much to the chagrin of some of my other progressive pals who think Hil is a devil moderate in liberal clothing. Alas, enough blogging for the day. I must get some rest to help replenish my energy for more adventures in homeless health care tomorrow. Stay tuned for more fun filled adventures.
So, my friends, while my contacts remained intact (thanks to a free online service Verizon offers) my photos are all gone. No more closely cuddled newborn babies to show off. No more Sive and her criminally cute faces to make people ooh and aah and say, "wow, she is big!" No longer are the photos from my last year in Ann Arbor with the trees changing color and friends' faces in pubs. But, you know what? Those pics kinda sucked. Face it, some phones take really crappy pictures. Mine was one of them. So, while there are a few I'll miss. it's much preferable to have a means to communicate with loved ones then sob over some mediocre pictures of them.
So there you have it. Death of a cell phone. Now I have the identical phone and, thanks to some futzing around, the identical ring tone (thank god because I detest the free ones - they all sound like your phone is going to explode! Seriously, do I really need a virtual red hot poker jabbed in every orifice when someone calls?)
Another aside: the California primary was today. Can't vote here so I can't get excited about it. Nonetheless, I have to say, from what I have seen in the debates, I genuinely like both democratic candidates. Much to the chagrin of some of my other progressive pals who think Hil is a devil moderate in liberal clothing. Alas, enough blogging for the day. I must get some rest to help replenish my energy for more adventures in homeless health care tomorrow. Stay tuned for more fun filled adventures.
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