Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Update

It's been a long time since my last post.

Every so often something pops in my head and I think, "I should blog about that." But it just never comes to fruition. I have, however, been receiving a lot of inquiries as to what I'm up to and what ever happened to my car. So a quickie to get this blog ball rolling again.

The Car
I got my car back. Insurance company still hasn't paid up but my personal lawyer (thanks Dad!) took over the case and essentially dog-birded them until they agreed to pay for repairs. I won't believe it until the check arrives, but after two months I think he's finally made some progress. The woman at AAA that made our lives hell just had to be bypassed (I'm not insinuating anything murderous here, but I can't deny I had the feeling once or twice). I still get hypertensive thinking about her (flashback: "I got your wimpy fax"). My car is, however, still stereo and speaker-less as, out of pocket, my incredibly helpful family spotted me the most basic repairs to get my Civic on the road.

The good news is I do sometimes entertain myself quite well in the silence of my vehicle. Last night, in fact, I was so excited to go home and go to bed I sang a range of patriotic tunes (Yankee Doodle Dandy for instance) where all the words were "bed". Much more fun than hearing the latest Fergie booty song for sure.

The Rotation

I'm on that FP rotation I talked about. It's as hard as they said it would be. If I really, really work very, very hard and I have only managed once, in the 3.5 weeks of the rotation, to get out of work in less than 12 hours (that's not including the occasional 30-hour shift of course).

I've been pretty exhausted. My life has resorted to eating, sleeping and working. Thanksgiving on call was rough as well. But the best part was that I got to have a belated Thanksgiving with my mom and Chuck who came to visit over the following weekend. I may come back and insert graphic turkey-stuffing pictures.

I'm anxious for this rotation to be over, and along with it the very first Christmas I can't make it back to my dad's house. I'm half way done with my 7 weeks as of this evening. And I'm 2 days into my 12 days before my next day off.

And that's the quickie. Hopefully more to follow.

And a happy Hannukah to all you Jews and Gentiles out there!

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