On a roll, a jelly roll...
Events in the past week (at least the ones worth mentioning):
A la toilet
Dropped my pager in the lou. Splish splash and no more beep beep. Wish I could say I was broken up... but I've never been a good liar. I got a new one today, same number, new hardware. But the respite was nice. I do feel that I have completed a rite of passage in this toilet baptism of the pager. I can't believe I carried one for the last three years and this was the first time it drowned. Probably won't be the last, but, for the sake of all things sanitary, I hope it is.
Ancient Patient
Saw a 101-year-old woman in clinic yesterday. I was impressed with how great she looked (could have passed for 70). She responded to me: "The worst part is that I still have my mind" and she laughed at her joke. Great lady. I cut a massive SK off of her head. And (segue) I do love slicing, dicing, extracting and expressing. Like, a lot. Today I went nuts with a comeodone extractor (fancy tool for popping pimples) on this 17 year old kid. Poor thing. He got a chemical peel afterwards and thanks to me it probably burned like the dickens. But his face will clear faster and, more importantly, I had a good time (evidence of me having good time at clinic at left)!
Cannibalism is always funny
My mother tells me a story about how she was at Big Boy's. Her usual fare was the liver and onions. The waitress informs them that she is sorry but they don't have liver anymore. My mother nefariously remarks, "But you have a liver..." The waitress responds she doesn't think her liver would be very tasty. Chuck in that dry manner of his comments that it might actually be tastier. And such is my mother and her husband, a senior couple out for a happy dinner at the local Big Boy.
Live Show
Saturday I went to a concert in Seattle with a queer family doc who's a friend of a friend, and a friend of hers. It was all part of this massive city-wide jazz festival. The band was Musafir (photo at left, click on band name for more info). It was truly awesome -- especially since we got to sit in the VIP section as this FP had the Uberpass (that's what I call it). The concert was a combination of various Northwest Indian musical influences with very cool instruments and awesome vocalizations. The artists had only arrived in the US the day before. The dancer was extraordinary. She danced, on a bed of nails, sword blades, more, with an urn of water on her head, balanced atop of drinking glasses. Tomorrow night I'm heading back to the same venue for an African band, Tinariwen.
AAA is Evil and Should be Punished
And, for those interested in the car update... it's been a nightmare. Here's a snippet from a conversation I had this morning:
Me (friendly): Hi Ms. Claims Adjuster did you receive my fax?
Claims Adjuster (rudely): I received your wimpy fax, and I got your wimpy phone message.
Me (not believing she just opened with that!): Um, I'm sorry, what kind of fax did you say you got from me?
And it went on from there. They refuse to settle my claim honestly and timely. They won't fix the car or agree to give me what it's worth as a total loss. But I won't dwell on it here. I've talked about it all day and, frankly, I am tired of it. I've enlisted my lawyer parents in the fight and I hope to have a speedy resolution.
Tomorrow is Halloween and I have plans to wear little polka dotted doggie ears (maybe they are rabbit ears... but does it really matter?) and polka dotted clothing. This way I can whip off the dog ears when I'm in with a more serious patient and pop 'em back on to show them off for the kiddos (and coworkers!) I also found my old 70's sparkly three piece suit, but that one is harder to play off as professional. Unless I was a professional 1970's lounge singer. Which, sadly, I'm not.
A la toilet
Dropped my pager in the lou. Splish splash and no more beep beep. Wish I could say I was broken up... but I've never been a good liar. I got a new one today, same number, new hardware. But the respite was nice. I do feel that I have completed a rite of passage in this toilet baptism of the pager. I can't believe I carried one for the last three years and this was the first time it drowned. Probably won't be the last, but, for the sake of all things sanitary, I hope it is.
Ancient Patient

Cannibalism is always funny
My mother tells me a story about how she was at Big Boy's. Her usual fare was the liver and onions. The waitress informs them that she is sorry but they don't have liver anymore. My mother nefariously remarks, "But you have a liver..." The waitress responds she doesn't think her liver would be very tasty. Chuck in that dry manner of his comments that it might actually be tastier. And such is my mother and her husband, a senior couple out for a happy dinner at the local Big Boy.
Live Show

AAA is Evil and Should be Punished
And, for those interested in the car update... it's been a nightmare. Here's a snippet from a conversation I had this morning:
Me (friendly): Hi Ms. Claims Adjuster did you receive my fax?
Claims Adjuster (rudely): I received your wimpy fax, and I got your wimpy phone message.
Me (not believing she just opened with that!): Um, I'm sorry, what kind of fax did you say you got from me?
And it went on from there. They refuse to settle my claim honestly and timely. They won't fix the car or agree to give me what it's worth as a total loss. But I won't dwell on it here. I've talked about it all day and, frankly, I am tired of it. I've enlisted my lawyer parents in the fight and I hope to have a speedy resolution.
Tomorrow is Halloween and I have plans to wear little polka dotted doggie ears (maybe they are rabbit ears... but does it really matter?) and polka dotted clothing. This way I can whip off the dog ears when I'm in with a more serious patient and pop 'em back on to show them off for the kiddos (and coworkers!) I also found my old 70's sparkly three piece suit, but that one is harder to play off as professional. Unless I was a professional 1970's lounge singer. Which, sadly, I'm not.
Could that sparkly 70s outfit be the one and only Sonny and Cher ensemble we donned once? I have that picture still and love it. You must look so cute in your ears!! I am not dressing up as I can't climb the stairs to get to the masks nor can I fit into any old costumes. I am going to sit on my porch and hand out candy as an "eight months pregnant with twins" costume :)
hey liz! good to see you back at the blog. if i didn't know better i'd assume you were having such a party with intern year given your entertaining stories.
my friend dropped her pager in a SHARPS box of all places (for those of you who are not doctor folk, the sharps box is the locked up box where you drop needles and other pointy objects you put into people, after putting them into people). it's got a slit for you to drop the needle in, and it's LOCKED up. My friend somehow managed to accidentally drop her pager in that box while answering a page (and holding the pager in her hand). She was determined to get it herself after she found out it would take up to 3 hours for security/hospital staff to get it out. She carefully reached in and finagled around and grabbed it, unscathed by the dirty needles. FREAKY!
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