I slept like the dead until around 2:30 AM. "Hm," I thought to myself, "I'm awake." Then after a bathroom trip and laying in bed a while I managed to sleep in fits until my cat decided she'd had enough of this sleep thing. Around 5 AM, when the automatic feeder gives her breakfast, bought precisely to discourage this kind of behavior, she started talking.
"Mraw!" Sive says.
I am roused from a weird dream about getting pulled over by the cops. "Mmmrmble."
"MRAW MRAW!" She demands.
"Whaaaaaat?" I whine, in a rather pathetic 12-year-old style, I'm afraid to admit.
"Mraw, ack! MEEEOW!"
"Come on Sive," I coax, patting the bed. "Come to bed and cuddle." I use my sweetest voice, thinking I can fool her into thinking she'd get the attention she wants where I was -- maybe long enough to lull her into silence as I fall back asleep.
"MEEEOWWWW!" She's not falling for it. Then, as she moves down the hall to the living room her meows fade a little "Rwar, ack! meow!"
"For the love of God!" I think a moment about my neighbors, then, only of my tired self. I close my bedroom door and fall mercifully asleep... for a few minutes until...
"Mah! mah!" Sive yells, now throwing herself against the bedroom door.
"SHUT UP!" Why can't she understand English? I turn up the floor fan to high and put a pillow over my head.
"Meow!" THUD! "Meow! MRack!"
"What do you want?" I ask, having given up on sleep, and now in kitchen making coffee.
"Mraw, ack! EEoooww!"
Aren't animals just the sweetest things?

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