Domestic Goddess

Confession time: I've been a bit of a closet cooker since I really learned to eat healthy about a year and a half ago. I have to blame Troy and Tom, two old roomies from way back when who were great cooks and did a lot to dispel my fear of all things kitchen.
Today I have outdone myself. My revelation came from two thoughts:
1. I decided I wasn't going to let that pound of carrots in the fridge go bad
2. I love soup
I already make a killer black bean soup (if I say so myself) and have been known to buy large vats of homemade soup at the local grocery - plus, the month in San Diego with Cathy's homemade pots of heaven was an inspiration. I really like carrot and squash soups but there are a few spices I really don't like that are often used in the pre-made variations. So I thought I'd make my own version!
The result was rather good. Fresh grated ginger, garlic, onions, cumin, curry, turmeric... it was scrumptious. In a flash if inspiration I added cinnamon at the very end. After everything was simmered and the carrots were sufficiently mushy I pureed the soup. Most the recipes called for cayenne pepper, which I didn't have on hand. Next time I'll try some of that, maybe less turmeric, and certainly much more ginger (no such thing as too much ginger). The only kitchen disaster worth mentioning in this carrot soup adventure was when the top of the blender flew off during the pureeing process, hitting me, my kitchen and anything in range with numerous yellow-orange splats. But it wasn't a difficult clean up, and the only real casualty was my right sock which is now curry-colored.
The best part of it all? I stepped out to take out my trash, and when I returned the house smelled of all the above spices. And suddenly I was reminded of a number of things: college, friends, comfortable places with love and companionship, other people's homes where I feel safe and warm. And I was actually moved by the smell of my own house.
Now that's damn good soup.
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