The dogs woke me promptly two minutes before my alarm was going to go off. After I let them out and made coffee we had a bit of a cuddlefest in the living room. I set the camera up on the living room table on timer and sat back near the floor to cuddle and was able to catch the event on film.
Insane winds today - blowing from every direction. Howling winds. Strong enough to make me wonder if they could blow me away. Reminds me of a thought I had in Chinle. After Uranium clinic. I thought how it would such a fitting Navajo story to tell of the medical student who was blown from Chinle by the winds and landed in some unknown land…

I presented my data on colorectal cancer this morning. It went well. After spending three weeks on the chart review and collecting data the impact that CRC screening was so low compared to breast and cervical cancer has lost its power. But to the providers I presented to it apparently was enlightening. (photo of squirt, the old one, with flying nun ears)
Labels: medical school, Zuni
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