Angry little birds

This is another picture of John's backyard. This morning was lazy and sweet. I woke up around 8, made some coffee (brought the coffee maker over from the trailer as there isn't one here) and worked on the computer a bit outside on the table in the pic from yesterday's post. Then made myself a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs and English muffin with OJ. A bonafide feast. The house was chilly in and I found it hard to warm up - my feet were blocks of ice from the cold floors (I have no slipper and there's a no shoe rule in this house). Wondering what to do about my chill I debated taking a bath. Then I though: hot tub! So I soaked for a while, warming all my cold parts thoroughly.
I watched the humming birds. Did I mention them buzzing my head when I was being shown the garden before I cam to stay here? Apparently they are territorial birds. Who knew? I have never watched humming birds so closely. They are very funny looking, I must say. Fat bodies, small heads, pointy beaks and blur for wings. They kind of make me think about armless worn out stuffed animals. And they are angry little things, turning their floating armless bodies in the direction of the threat and buzzing and chirping vehemently.
I head off to a store downtown where I bought a few fetishes and such as gifts. Now I'm at The Coffee Shop after a beautiful drive to Gallup. It was thunderstorming in Gallup and as I approached the storm I could see the sweep of the rain across the landscape and occasional bolts of lightening. Now I'm waiting patiently for my Albuquerque Turkey. I ran into Bridget here and we chatted for a long time about residencies, gardens, Zuni Hospital…
There are two girls sitting at the table in front of mine, holding hands across the table. Not the first girl couple I've noticed here. Makes me happy.
This week I do home visits with the Zuni on Tuesday. Wednesday night I head out to Arizona to attend Uranium mining clinic. Then a long weekend in Moab. Fourth year rocks.
Labels: Zuni
You totaly rock!
I am really envious of the time you have over there - not of all the stitching and working and stuff, more of the change to experience such a totally different way of life.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
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