Thursday, October 23, 2008

You want an update? I got your update right here.

UPDATE: Reunion
Quickie update on being able to go to my 10 year college reunion. Remember my 23 steps to get a vacation? Well it failed at step 10. I got a phone call from the pediatric rotation liaison where she called and said, "We all discussed this switch at length and after much deliberation we decided: pppffffttt!" (okay, not a direct quote, but that's what I heard).

So I tried another tactic. Instead of swapping the week I proposed swapping out the entire rotation. It was accepted! So now I'm at the point where I need to request the week off. Here's the updated to do list for just this step (step 15 is where we are if you remember the old list).
  1. Find coverage for my colposcopy clinic - DONE
  2. Find coverage for my AM and PM gynecology clinics - IN PROCESS
  3. Find coverage for my obstetrical patients.- DONE
  4. Find coverage for my patients that may be admitted to the hospital while I am gone.
  5. Find coverage for my in-basket and mailbox and any patient calls or concerns while I am gone.
  6. Get signatures on the request from each person covering all the above
  7. Submit this signed request to the chief resident.
  8. Then on to the scheduler for approval.
  9. Then to the clinic director for approval.
So much more manageable than the last list, don't you think? (Photo is actually of New Haven, but close enough...)

This swap will also give me the opportunity to play with my band during the marching season. Which I'm totally excited to do! I'm really really geeked about the band. In fact, I think everyone (including the homeless lady outside of Starbucks) is really tired of hearing about it. We have two Christmas shows. I am on call for one of them but am trying to swap the call. I get to play the horse whinny solo in Sleigh Ride so it's definitely worth extra effort to go!

The fall concert went swimmingly. I hear there's a CD of the performance, maybe a DVD - not entirely sure. I am still singing the songs we played. If something shows up on YouTube and isn't entirely embarrassing I will definitely post it here. The turnout was great - a few hundred from what I hear? I played horrifically out of tune for the very first portion of Thriller and was inspired to improve in my tuning and pitch. It will be really helpful for the ballad-y holiday pieces we are playing like Imagine. So I bought a KORG tuner. An awesome invention and totally fun and I will probably talk about it more another time.

UPDATE: Sive's health
For those who don't know, Sive has been having a bit of a peeing issue. She had this issue a little after I first moved out here. Now it's back and it started looking a little more serious. She had gross hematuria at the vets office and even passed some clot (that's medical talk for peeing blood and blood clots). We had an X-Ray done which was a little ambiguous and some lab studies. So about $500 later and after a specialist read of the X-Ray we still aren't sure. It doesn't look like frank stones, no evidence of obstruction, no massive tumors. Her bladder had some sludge in it and her urine culture is still cooking. So we'll see what bugs grow as it is likely she may have an infection as well. (Sive watching TV)

UPDATE: What am I doing right now?
Right now I am at the GLMA national conference. I serve on the Board of Directors and presented again this year on LGBTI curricular change and integration. What's amazing that this is still a very hot topic. It's great to think how far UofM came in just my four years there. So many schools are trying to go through the same changes and its an honor to serve as a resource for all these medical, nursing, naturopathic, social work, PA and other students, residents and faculty. Blah blah blah education blah blah advocacy and all this stuff that is really awesome and I've been talking about this whole weekend...

So now for a snippet of the pure fun that was Friday night out at Seattle Trannyshack (filmed by the iPhone of the guy standing next to me). Strung out Judy Garland and some stage diving below:

I wish I had a video of Ben de la Creme - the BEST performer - a robot strip dance with light-up body parts... excellent performance art. And she's a local drag queen so maybe I'll get another chance to see her!

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