Tacoma Horror Picture Show
This post is not for the faint of heart:
Last night's stats:
I delivered 4 babies: 3 vaginal deliveries, one c-section.
Two deliveries so fast I didn't have time to put both gloves on.
Three of the 4 got me so soaked in blood I had to change and wash up.
At one point, I didn't have time to put a mask on, blood splattered in my face around my mouth (not on my lips or in my mouth thankfully). However I had enough blood on my philtrim that I couldn't talk without risking getting blood on my lips or mouth. So I had to "mmm-mmm" to notify the attending I was going to the sink to wash.
The c-section involved an exploding placenta. At least, that's what we called it. With only mild traction on the cord avulsed and exploded blood all over the table, on me, the fellow, the attending and the scrub nurse. Most of blood splattered atop my face shield. One of the nurses in the OR came around with alcohol soaked pads and wiped our faces. We had to run out of the OR for another delivery. The fellow and I were so blood-covered we looked down and realized that no way we could even walk down the hallway looking like we did. There was a reference to Sandra Oh on Gray's Anatomy. I wasn't sure what the reference meant until I was clued into the picture you see here.
So since we took the time to remove the blood-soaked gown, face mask, cap and booties we were late the the next delivery and I just put a gown on, got one glove, and used the sleeve of the gown to cover my other hand as I delivered baby, clamped the cord and suctioned. I'm definitely getting the hand of handling slimy newborns. However, it would be more ideal practicing my new skill with both hands!
It was an exciting and exhausting night. I didn't have any time to sleep. I came home and basically crashed for a while. Woke and ate all three meals within three or four hours, and now am off to bed again.
Before rounds I was sitting with the fellow and she was playing with her earing. She brought her hand down and looked at it. "I have blood in my ear," she said. We both paused. I leaned in to examine the dried blood on her finger. Then we both cracked up. What jobs we have.
Last night's stats:
I delivered 4 babies: 3 vaginal deliveries, one c-section.
Two deliveries so fast I didn't have time to put both gloves on.
Three of the 4 got me so soaked in blood I had to change and wash up.
At one point, I didn't have time to put a mask on, blood splattered in my face around my mouth (not on my lips or in my mouth thankfully). However I had enough blood on my philtrim that I couldn't talk without risking getting blood on my lips or mouth. So I had to "mmm-mmm" to notify the attending I was going to the sink to wash.

So since we took the time to remove the blood-soaked gown, face mask, cap and booties we were late the the next delivery and I just put a gown on, got one glove, and used the sleeve of the gown to cover my other hand as I delivered baby, clamped the cord and suctioned. I'm definitely getting the hand of handling slimy newborns. However, it would be more ideal practicing my new skill with both hands!
It was an exciting and exhausting night. I didn't have any time to sleep. I came home and basically crashed for a while. Woke and ate all three meals within three or four hours, and now am off to bed again.
Before rounds I was sitting with the fellow and she was playing with her earing. She brought her hand down and looked at it. "I have blood in my ear," she said. We both paused. I leaned in to examine the dried blood on her finger. Then we both cracked up. What jobs we have.
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