Friday, July 27, 2007

Sleepy Doogie, MD

Surprisingly, the first month almost went by without one inquiry into my age. Then, just as this rotation winds to a close, they come in droves. Apparently the nurses on labor and delivery were talking when I wasn't around, trying to guess my age. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a pool going. Then I got a Doogie Howser comment. Yep, they actually called me Doogie just before I fessed up to my fabulous three-oh status. Most of my patients and their parents have just been asking, "How old are you?" And without skipping a beat I say, "30," and move on. "No way!" they say. I understand I look younger than my age but you'd think from their reaction I looked 12 years old!

Overall things have been going well. I'm nearing half-way for my second 12-day stretch without a day off this month. I could really use a day to sleep in but I'm trying to go to bed early. My to do list is terribly long: I need to get my WA driver's license and registration, get my eyes checked, order new contacts, see the dentist, buy a new litterbox... etc, etc. Can I do all of the on Saturday, August 4th (my next day off)? I'd be excited if I got two of those things done.

My last OB overnight call is Saturday. Then Sunday I go home post-call, crash, and then Monday have a new rotation. I have two weeks of what they call "Community Medicine". I got a flavor of what the rotation will be like but will have a better idea after our orientation to it on Monday morning. Bottom line, it looks like each day, mornings and afternoons, I have a pretty tight schedule visiting community resources and clinics. I'm excited for a new rotation, but I have to be honest, I'm more excited to be able to sleep on in August 4th than anything right now!

"How tired are you?" You ask.
I'm so tired that instead of writing "spleen" on a patient note I wrote "sleep". Twice.
I'm so tired that I fell asleep peeing. In a public restroom. Don't worry, I didn't fall off the toilet.

Photo of me in the giant bed in Sedona last May. Ah... if wishes were horses...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess we should have had it tattooed on your forehead..."Yes I am old enough to be your doctor"

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S that was from me :)

7:30 PM  

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