Sleepy Doogie, MD

Overall things have been going well. I'm nearing half-way for my second 12-day stretch without a day off this month. I could really use a day to sleep in but I'm trying to go to bed early. My to do list is terribly long: I need to get my WA driver's license and registration, get my eyes checked, order new contacts, see the dentist, buy a new litterbox... etc, etc. Can I do all of the on Saturday, August 4th (my next day off)? I'd be excited if I got two of those things done.
My last OB overnight call is Saturday. Then Sunday I go home post-call, crash, and then Monday have a new rotation. I have two weeks of what they call "Community Medicine". I got a flavor of what the rotation will be like but will have a better idea after our orientation to it on Monday morning. Bottom line, it looks like each day, mornings and afternoons, I have a pretty tight schedule visiting community resources and clinics. I'm excited for a new rotation, but I have to be honest, I'm more excited to be able to sleep on in August 4th than anything right now!
I'm so tired that instead of writing "spleen" on a patient note I wrote "sleep". Twice.
I'm so tired that I fell asleep peeing. In a public restroom. Don't worry, I didn't fall off the toilet.
Photo of me in the giant bed in Sedona last May. Ah... if wishes were horses...
Guess we should have had it tattooed on your forehead..."Yes I am old enough to be your doctor"
P.S that was from me :)
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