Oh, the weather outside is frightful

But, like I said, I'm not complaining. See, we also are having blazingly beautiful, bright, sunny days with the mountains all snow-capped and glistening, and the usual slate blue of the Puget Sound looking brighter and more cerulean than it has a right to be this time of year.
It's the interview season for residencies. Which is interesting because it helps me look at TFM from a fresh angle. Last year I got to interview people I hoped to work with! None of who ended up here, as far as I can remember. Now, at the time I write this, I have 202 days left of residency. So, interviewing is more like interviewing my replacement. I'm hoping to get a queer-friendly, pro-choice extrovert to come here. Wish me luck!

Now, I hate to kill the mood, but I have to wrap up with a bit more somber news. Tacoma has been rife with tragedy and crime lately. The economy has hit everyone hard but for some reason gun-related crimes seem abnormally high. Most have already heard about the four police officers who were gunned down the day after Thanksgiving. Their memorial was this week. Also, my neighborhood bank was robbed and my favorite breakfast place was held up at gunpoint and the elderly owner assaulted by one of the robbers. My bank was robbed! Two blocks from my house. Seriously?
In hard times people are supposed to band together. It seems some haven't been getting the message. For Christmas this year I want a Kevlar vest and all the weapons in Tacoma and Seattle to turn into gumdrops.
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