Restore Order

It goes without saying, parking in Capitol Hill is a real bitch. Since I've been spending so much of my time there, I've noticed that parking spots could be markedly increased if people would only follow proper parking etiquette. In fact, over the last few months I have been fantasizing about making some sort of friendly, but firm, reminder to drivers that their poor parking choices affects us all.
Karin and I had been ruminating what would go on this flier. She is particularly peeved at those who don't use their driveways (#4) -- especially the yahoo across the way with the gigantic SUV. Me, I wanted to make sure people don't perpetuate poor line-up (#2).
Finally, I did it. Using scissors, a glue stick, ball point pen and magic marker, I made the flier! When done, I emailed it to Karin who then posted it on the famous Capitol Hill Blog.
You can read the post (and view the original flier) if you click HERE
Click on the picture above/left to see it up close and personal.
First of all, I think it's hilarious that people were angered by inaccuracies! Apparently my glue-stick and cut-out artistic rendering of the parking situation wasn't quite enough to scale for the sticklers. Additionally, some folks just HATE being told what to do! One person sarcastically suggested I teach them how to brush their teeth. too. Which inspired me to make a "how to" poster on brushing teeth just for them, but in their cowardice they didn't leave an email address to which to send the poster!
The "5 foot law" - which I was very well aware of when I made the flier (as well as the 72 hour law which states you can't leave your car parked in any one place more than 3 days) - seemed the thing most people focused on so I did make a revised copy that I can use when passing out this flier.
Conclusion is yet to be determined. We'll see if my fliers do any good in Capitol Hill. God knows it couldn't get much worse!
*and to you researcher folk - I know this blog post may rankle those of you noticing missing "results" section and out of order discussion/conclusion, etc. For the love of god, it's a blog post about a parking flier!
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