Honeymoon over
The last two weeks have been busy, with long hours. Most regular days have been about 13 hours long. Sometimes 12, on one occasion, 11. Calls have been busy, hard, intense. On my last call I admitted 5 patients between 9 PM and 3 AM. What doesn't help the feeling of pediatric saturation is the fact that my precious golden weekend was almost entirely spent on my bathroom floor barfing, and the following several days I was barely strong enough to stand.
Last week: Monday: 16 hours, Tuesday: 12, Wednesday: 11 (woo!), Thursday: 14, Friday/Sat: 32. Grand total of 85 hours (correct me if my math is off).

Today, sadly, was my last day off for two weeks. I grocery shopped, rode Shiloh, took out the trash, did my laundry and cooked like a fiend. I made hummus, black bean soup and lasagna to hopefully last the two weeks. Now, I buckle down and watch time fly... hopefully.
Oh, and as an aside. Also a random coincidence. As soon as I find out about Shiloh we start admitting kids with organ damage (lacerations of livers, spleens and kidneys) from horse accidents. No kidding. We've had three in the last week. Thankfully, aside from being a bit grouchy when it comes to cinching the girth, Shiloh has been a perfect doll!