The Match
On March 15th we all sat in a banquet hall waiting for our names to be read. Once our name was read aloud we walked/ran/waltzed/shuffled up on stage to open the envelope at the podium and announce in the microphone our Match results. Nerve wracking and exciting. Non-medical students who were there said the tension was palpable.
Overall it was pretty fun. Some of my classmates made a really sweet and funny video using pictures from the last four years and video clips.
I'm excited and scared at the same time! I am excited to go out there and look for a place to live. I'm scared to work my tail off at one of the most intense and rigorous family medicine training programs in the US. I'm excited to meet new people and and start my life as an MD. I'm scared to meet new people and start my life as an MD.
Labels: medical school, residency, TFM
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